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Rustic Studded Table Tents
Give your menus a chance to shine.
Wooden Table Tents By
Custom Wood Table Tents by  Classic Flip Top Table Tents, Rustic Flip Menu Card Holders, Timeless Flip Menu Stand, Rustic Studded Table Tent Card Stands, Wooden Picture Frame Menu Holders, Contemporary Flip Top Card Holders, America's Premiere Source for Wooden Table Tents since 2004 - 2017
Rustic Studded Table Tents - SKU# JJ5


When it comes to table tents, this is one hot tamale. Crafted entirely in wood and decorated with 18 antique brass finished metals studs, these golden brown 9" tall wooden table tents are the something special you've been looking for.

The simple drop ring design of these table tents and our EasyLoad™ vinyl pockets provide the perfect solution for quickly and easily updating your items.

Simply string your vinyl pockets onto the rings and snap the rings closed around the crossbar of your table tents. Now here is the best part, you can change your 4" x 6" table tent insert cards at a moments notice without ever having to unsnap the rings again.

  • Prices include 2 rings per table tent
  • Vinyl Pockets sold separately
  • Also availble without studs
$9.95 ea.
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contemporary table tents tents
timeless table tents tents
picture frame table tents
classic table tents tents
rustic table tents tents
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