The leading online wooden table tent manufacturing company.
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Table Tents
Do you want to start increasing your daily check totals?
Wooden Table Tents By
Custom Wood Table Tents by  Classic Flip Top Table Tents, Rustic Flip Menu Card Holders, Timeless Flip Menu Stand, Rustic Studded Table Tent Card Stands, Wooden Picture Frame Menu Holders, Contemporary Flip Top Card Holders, America's Premiere Source for Wooden Table Tents since 2004 - 2017

Then start promoting more desserts, specialty drinks and featured entrees from one of our multi page flip stand table tents. They are capable of holding forty, that's right FORTY 4" x 6" Insert Cards per table tent. Now that's table tent promoting power! Just think of all the appetizers, drinks, specialty dishes and desserts you can now start promoting to your customers from the moment they sit down.


Rustic Table Tents
Capable of holding
FORTY 4" x 6" Insert Cards

vertical bar
Studded Rustic Table Tents
Capable of holding
FORTY 4" x 6" Insert Cards
vertical bar
Contemporary Table Tents
Timeless Table Tents
Capable of holding
FORTY 4" x 6" Insert Cards

vertical bar
Classic Table Tents
Capable of holding
FORTY 4" x 6" Insert Cardss
vertical bar
Picture Frame Table Tents
Holds TWO
5" x 7" Insert Cards

vertical bar
Picture Frame Table Tents
Holds TWO
5" x 7" Insert Cards
vertical bar  





rustic table tents
contemporary table tents tents
timeless table tents tents
picture frame table tents
classic table tents tents
rustic table tents tents


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wood table tents


wood table tents


wood table tents


wood table tents


wood table tents


wood table tents


wood table tents


wood table tents


wood table tents